Welcome to the new diffizzle.com website

You have arrived in the right spot for awesome Destiny 2 PVP content. Diffizzle is an american streamer that started off a long time ago in Destiny, a console only game that had the prestigious Trials of Osiris playlist. Sam, aka Diffizzle – being one of the best players in the game – quickly gained attention on both Twitch and YouTube. With the arrival of Destiny 2 he switched to the PC bringing even better gameplay to your screens.

Diffizzle is a full-time pro living on donations primarily from Twitch subscriptions. So if you got Amazon Prime or $4 a month to spare, he will happily welcome you to the fox cave: https://twitch.tv/diffizzle

Diffizzle Slide 1500
Diffizzle’s Twitch slide with the magical Thorn in the hands of his beautiful Hunter

Come in and enjoy one of the most relaxed, chill and skilled players in all of Destiny.

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